Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers provide an important ministry of both prayer and service. These youth assist with parish liturgical celebrations and are called to be visible models of a prayerful spirit at Mass. Young people who are beginning fourth grade and older may volunteer for this ministry. Training is provided.

Choirs (vigil, 9:30am, or 11:30am) Sacred Heart has choirs for our vigil Masses (both 4pm and the Spanish 6pm), and our 9:30am and 11:30am Sunday Masses. These Music Ministers lead the congregation in prayer and song as instrumentalists and singers. Those who sing or play an instrument may find this a meaningful way to share their talents with the church.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in distributing the Eucharist at Mass. Participants in this ministry make a commitment to serve at a certain liturgy on a rotating schedule. Training is required and provided.

Ushers welcome the people of God to each liturgical celebration. Participants in this ministry are also responsible for assisting with seating, taking up the collection, directing the Eucharistic procession, and distributing the parish bulletin and other materials after Mass. Training is provided.

Lectors have the privilege of proclaiming the words of Sacred Scripture at Mass and are challenged to deepen their love of God’s Word. Participants in this ministry make a commitment to serve at a certain liturgy on a rotating schedule. Training is required and some expertise in public speaking is essential.

Sacristans serve our liturgies behind the scenes by preparing the church for Mass. This is detail oriented work and requires training as well as a love for the Mass.

Linen Ministry volunteers, on a rotating schedule, wash the linens used at Mass and return them to the sacristy. 



Are you interested in Joining a Ministry or Church Group?

The Church calls people to be responsible stewards of their time and talent in support of the parish.
This often takes the form of volunteering for a specific lay ministry.

Liturgical Ministries was last modified: November 17th, 2019 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church