Faith Formation Classes

This year, Confirmation will be for children in 7th & 8th Grades. Registration packets can be found in the narthex of the church. Note: this applies to kids who were in faith formation last year or attending a Catholic School (assuming they have already received baptism and first communion) Grades 5 – 6 and attending a public school: It is important your child is registered in faith formation this year since the following year they will be finalizing their preparation and receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation Do you have a child who is in 7th or 8th Grades AND has not been attending faith formation? It is not too late to start the process! Please contact Lisa Gunnin at the parish office (727) 541-4447 or email for more information.

Faith Formation Classes was last modified: July 20th, 2023 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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