(727) 541-4447 shcc7809@gmail.com

In-Car Communion

As some of us are able to again celebrate Mass in person we do not want to forget those for whom it is not yet safe to join us. That is why we will be continuing to live stream the Sunday 9:30am and Wednesday 8:15am Masses and other events. In addition, we want to provide the Eucharist for this group as well.

Starting this Sunday, we will be offering communion after the 9:30am Mass. Here is how it will work:

  • Watch the live streamed Mass beginning at 9:30am
  • When it is over, drive to the church and pull up in the circular driveway toward the main doors
  • You will see a small tent set up before the portico. Fr. Vijay and Fr. Kevin will be there to offer you the Eucharist

Please wear a face covering. The priests will also do this.

Help us spread the word to our parishioners who do not have online access and may not know of this opportunity. Thanks!

In-Car Communion was last modified: July 15th, 2020 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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