Help Our Sister Paris, St. Mary Of The Angels

St. Mary of the Angel Catholic Church’s Christmas Dance and Fundraiser is a few weeks away (December 14th). We won’t be able to attend, of course, but their event includes a raffle!

First Price $1000; 2nd Prize $500; 4rd Prize $250; and fre additional, smaller prizes!

Tickets are $5 each and will be available in the Narthex this weekend. We’ll send the money and tickets stub to St. Mary’s to be included in the drawing.

Why are we supporting St. Mary of the Angels? Good Question!

Sacred Heart is in twinning relationship with St. Mary of the Angels, a Catholic Church in New Orleans. Even after more than a decade, the parish continues to recover from the devastation of hurricane Katrina. Here’s apart of our Covenant Agreement:

1. To strengthen the relationship of friendship and charity between our parish so that we may enrich one another’s human and spiritual lives, especially by sharing pastoral experiences and programs.

2. To encourage prayers and other types of exchanges for one another in our parishes and families.
3. To encourage the faithful of each parish to visit each other whenever possible and offer our gifts, talents, service and love to one another.

So, your participation is their raffle strengthens our relationship with them and will provide funds for some of their parish needs.
SAVE THE DATE! Sunday March 8th, 2020, we will host our Illusion Show. The proceeds of this entertainment show will go to help St. Mary’s with some needed capital projects.

Help Our Sister Paris, St. Mary Of The Angels was last modified: November 24th, 2019 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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