Small Groups

Administrative Councils

The Legion of Mary is an international organization. The members of the Legion here at Sacred Heart meet weekly on Monday mornings to share prayer, devotion to our Blessed Mother, and encourage each other in their personal ministries. New members are welcome.

Spanish Prayer Group meets each Wednesday evening to pray and encourage one another in the faith. New members are always welcome.

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets each Thursday morning at 10AM in our Retreat House to knit prayer shawls which are blessed and given to the ill and infirmed. The prayer and skill of the knitters creates a shawl infused with love and warmth. Yarn is provided, and new members are welcome.

The Men of St. Joseph group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays each month to share prayer and to learn more about our faith through a book or video study. The group also coordinates and leads the parish First Friday Adoration. New members are always welcome.

Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings (9-10:15am) in our parish center. You do not need to attend all the sessions (though that would be nice.) Join us when you can and experience the power of God’s Word in your life.

Are you interested in Joining a Ministry or Church Group?

The Church calls people to be responsible stewards of their time and talent in support of the parish.
This often takes the form of volunteering for a specific lay ministry.

Small Groups was last modified: January 10th, 2024 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church