Lessons from the Mountains

We continue to look for ways to reach out to our parishioners who are not yet able to attend Mass or other parish activities in person and have added another online offering – a new video series entitled “Lessons from the Mountains.” As you may know, Fr. Kevin had the opportunity to hike and climb some of the New England mountains during his time in seminary. Each video in this new series relates a story and the spiritual lesson that Fr. Kevin took from it. Two videos are available now.

In “Fiat” Fr. Kevin explains how saying “yes” to a rainy day hike up Mt. Monadnock led to standing on the summit of 48 other peaks and much spiritual growth.

“One Thing at a Time” tells the story of the Mt. Mansfield climb. Poor weather and low clouds prevented a clear view of the top and, oddly enough, made it possible to succeed. It showed Fr. Kevin why it is wise for God to reveal only small parts of His plans for us.

To find the series, go to YouTube and search for “Fr. Kevin Yarnell.” Clicking on his picture takes you to all the videos. Scroll down to find “Lessons from the Mountains.”

Lessons from the Mountains was last modified: September 30th, 2020 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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