Learn about Natural Family Planning
St. Gianna Center is offering free introductory sessions for couples looking to naturally achieve or avoid pregnancy. During an Intro Session, you’ll learn cycle charting using the Creighton Model. If you are interested in attending a session via Zoom, please visit stgiannacenter.com/events or call St. Gianna’s Center at 813-421-4625. The next session is Saturday, February 15, at 10:00 AM.
Abundance Holy Hour for Vocations
The Office of Vocations and the Serra Club of St. Petersburg host a monthly Holy Hour for vocations at the Cathedral. The next Abundance Holy Hour is Wednesday, February 26, at 6:30 PM. Join us in person or by livestream at stjudesp.org. All are welcome to join in praying for an abundance of vocations in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. “There are different forms of service but the same Lord;” is your form of service to become a priest, deacon, or consecrated religious? If you think God may be offering you this grace, contact Fr. Chuck in the Office of Vocations at spvocation@dosp.org or 727-345-3452.
Pope Francis’ February prayer intention is for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We at Sacred Heart are always looking for ways to promote and support vocations. One thing we do is offer the 6:00 PM Mass every Wednesday for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Please join us in praying for the Lord to send more laborers into the vineyard by encouraging vocations!
Local Churches are Places of Pilgrimage during the Jubilee Year
Bishop Gregory Parkes has designated local churches in the Diocese of Saint Petersburg as pilgrimage sites during the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope. Catholics who visit these churches and commit to certain prayers and spiritual practices receive a Plenary Indulgence from Pope Francis. A “Passport” has been created as a keepsake and guide. There will be printed copies of this booklet near the church entrance at the pilgrimage sites.
Pinellas County: Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg
Pinellas County: Espiritu Santo Catholic Church, 2405 Philippe Parkway, Safety Harbor
Hillsborough County: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 509 N. Florida Avenue, Tampa
Pasco County: Saint Leo Abbey Church, 33601 County Road 52, St. Leo
Citrus County: St. Benedict Catholic Church, 455 S Suncoast Blvd, Crystal River
Visit dosp.org/jubilee2025 to read about exciting opportunities that will be offered for our community.