(727) 541-4447 shcc7809@gmail.com

Faith, Family and Financial Security

Join us for an informative presentation by Van Mueller, one of the top speakers in the insurance and financial industry inspiring his audience to take control of their financial future. Van will ask a series of tough questions to help you think about how ready you are for whatever may come next. What is the easiest and safest way to make retirement money last longer? What if you suddenly died – Wouldn’t you rather leave a loved one with your hard-earned money rather than the Internal Revenue Service? Join us as Van helps us think through our answers to these questions, and many more! The presentation is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Lawandus Agency.

Date: April 28, 2021
Time: 7:30 pm Registration
link: register.flkofc.com

Faith, Family and Financial Security was last modified: April 28th, 2021 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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