Top 3 Ways YOU can help make the Festivala Success:
1.Volunteer: The Festival needs lots of people and we appreciate those who help each year. Volunteers to sell food tickets (while sitting in an air-conditioned trailer!) and work the parish food stand, are the biggest need right now. You can also be part of our security team or help to keep the grounds clean.Call the office to sign up!
2. Invite Someone: Our festivals are community events so this is a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor who is not Catholic (or who used to be Catholic) to Sacred Heart. The hospitality they receive from our terrific volunteers (see above!) may lead them to attend Mass sometime!
3. Enjoy the Festival Yourself: Even if you’re not interested in the rides, walking along “Festival Lane” looking at vendor displays, eating great food, and enjoying the live entertainment (all in terrific Fall weather) is a great way to support the Festival