The Synod: Do you remember our Parish Conversations in January?

Parishioners had the opportunity to reflect on their spiritual journey, how our parish helps them, and how God’s Spirit might be leading our parish to do better. We submitted a summary report to the diocese, and they have recently published a summary of all the gatherings held throughout our diocese. You can find the complete report at We have edited this summary to fit our bulletin space.

Synod Report Recurring Themes

“What consensus emerged regarding what the Holy Spirit is calling the Church to do better?” Answers to this question were extensive and diverse during the many Synod Listening Sessions held around the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Yet, these answers have been grouped together into five sets of themes based on the frequency in which they were mentioned.

  1. Prioritize Outreach and Evangelization. The demographic most noted to which the Church is called to reach is youth and young adults.
  2. Improve Communication. Parishes, ministries, Pastoral Center staff, and bishops have room to grow regarding communication.
  3. Enhance Unity. Build community, encourage dialogue, and reduce judgmentalism.
  4. Focus on Scripture, Ecumenism, and Vocations. Show greater pastoral sensitivity toward women and toward Catholics who experience same-sex attraction.
  5. Increase opportunities for reconciliation, small groups & Church teaching on morality. Foster deeper appreciation for Catholic moral and social teaching and deepen communion with God and others

Synod Report Next Steps

Through the Synodal Process, the Diocese of St. Petersburg identified three immediate areas the Spirit is inviting us to address locally to grow in our “journeying together.” These areas are an outgrowth of what we heard during our listening and discernment sessions, and follow the Synodal themes of Communion, Participation and Mission.

The Synod: Do you remember our Parish Conversations in January? was last modified: August 28th, 2022 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church