Vacation Bible School 2017

June 5th – 9th, 2017 ~ 6:00 – 8:00pm

Come bring your children to this fun-filled week. We will have music, crafts, games, Bible stories and food all geared towards teaching them about God’s plan for them. Donation of $20.00 for one child, or $30.00 for family. This is open to children Age 4 – 4 th grade.

Registration forms are available in the Narthex of the Church or the church office. Completed forms can be dropped off at the church office, returned to the school office (if applicable), placed in the collection basket or placed in the mailbox in the narthex of the Church.

Wish List for VBS

– Juice Boxes – Small Water Bottles
– Thin pretzel (sticks) – Chex cereal (all flavors)
– M&M’s – Chocolate Chips
– Cubed Cheese – Apples
– Pineapple juice – Aluminum Foil
– Marshmallows – Sandwich size-zip lock-type bags
– Sugar packets – Paper plates
* Marbles Monetary donations

VOLUNTEERS are needed! If you or your older children would like to volunteer, please call Lisa at the church office (727)541-4447

Vacation Bible School 2017 was last modified: June 9th, 2017 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church